Stuck in a Slump

Do you ever reach the point where you feel like nothing’s getting better? Not that anything is really wrong. But it’s just not getting better.

I feel like I’m stuck in one endless rerun. Everything’s the same and nothing ever changes. Like where’s the spark? Where’s the zest? Where’s the life?

Since I’ve been doing this stay at home mom thing, I feel like life is one big meh. Just stuck in the house, going through the motions.

Don’t get me wrong. The benefits are amazing. I get more time with my girls. I’m free and available to go to my oldest’s school events and things. I get to be there to experience all the moments. I’m not a slave to a work schedule.

But I guess I never really considered the downside. The times when I just feel useless or taken for granted. The times when I feel like I never get any adult interaction or just not enough. When I feel like all I ever do is sit in the house. When I feel like I’ve lost me in the midst of it.

How do I find her again? Just me. Not mom, or his so, or somebody’s something. Just me. Real, raw, live in living color. How can I find a sense of fulfilment outside of the things that leave me attached to others. I know I’m a wonderful mother, but I want more. I’m a good friend, but I want more. I’m a decent girlfriend….I know, I know. I’m working on it. I’m an amazing sibling, but I want more.

Starting a journey to reclaim me, but where to start….Tips? Advice? I’m open to anything. 

One thought on “Stuck in a Slump

  1. Do you like writing articles about science fiction, fantasy, and other geek universe things? The small press I’m building needs someone who has time to have fun with that. Let me know if you’re interested 🙂


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